chosen for a purpose

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit–fruit that will last.” [John 15:16] God does what He does for a purpose. Why does God seem to choose the least likely, and overlook the ones who expect to be favoured? Why did Jesus bypass the religious leaders and choose these uneducated commoners and criminals (tax collector, zealot)? Why does God turn to the Gentiles to build His church and give up on His covenant people?

This passage touches upon the sovereignty of God (He’s God, He can do what He wants, who are we to dispute it?) and the issue of predestination (He chooses people as He pleases, for His purpose). To me, both of these are mysteries that cannot be fathomed or explained. This is something that will send your head into a tailspin. It’s not worth trying to figure out, and those that attempt it (theologians or philosophers) end up with complicated, man-made systems that attempt to explain the inexplicable. If someone asks me to explain election and predestination, I can’t and I won’t. I can point to verses that speak of God’s choosing, and I can point to verses that speak of our choosing. How it all fits together is a mystery (sorry, but not even the Canons of Dordt figured it out).

What are we to do with this mystery? Stop explaining it, start living it. Why does He choose anyone? For a purpose! To bear fruit, fruit that will last. This is what drives Paul. He does not know how or why God’s electing purpose is unfolding for his Jewish brothers and sisters, but he doesn’t let that uncertainty keep him from loving and serving them. This whole section is an expression of his deep love for his Jewish family: “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race, the people of Israel.” [Romans 9:2-4]

This is the fruit of a ‘chosen’ life, the heart that loves and sacrifices for the sake of others. Jesus lived it, Paul lived it, and we are called to live it. Let this be our focus, the fruit that will last! People who devote themselves to loving and serving their neighbour are the best demonstration of God’s choice in action. This is how the world knows that we are His disciples – by our love for one another.

Lord, give me a heart like Yours, a heart like Paul’s, willing to suffer in order to save others.

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