Baptism moment!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 8:26-40
“The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.” (Acts 8:29)
When it comes to sharing my faith, I do not like being pushy.
All my reasons are likely mere excuses, but I still hold back.
But I like how the Spirit simply prompts Philip to go near the man.
Just hang around in places where others are, and let the door open.
The bigger challenge for me is paying attention to these Spirit nudges.
As I sit here in this coffee shop, is the Spirit nudging me?
I don’t have to jump right into a gospel presentation.
Just respond to the person where they’re at, what they’re doing.
Trust that the Spirit that nudged you will also give you a way in.
As a Jesus follower, I am led by the Spirit of Jesus.
He is leading me to places where I can share the love of Jesus.
If I am not looking for them, I will miss these baptism moments.
A baptism moment is when the Lord wants to pour out His grace through us.
Today I will make a point to follow His nudges, and look for the open door.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to relax and wait for Your nudge. Help me to look for the natural connecting point to speak to others. Help me to trust that if You set me up, You will lead me through!

One Comment

  1. Hear the voice behind you saying, this is the Way. Walk in it.
    Open ears.
    Open heart.
    In all that I do I need to live for Christ so that others see Christ living in me.
    And the people I meet and greet are the opportunities to rub shoulders with. Follow the Spirit’s lead. He opens the doors to share the Good News.

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is dispair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    Where there is sadness, joy;

    O Divine Master,
    Grant that I may not so much seek
    To be consoled as to console;
    To be understood as to understand;
    To be loved as to love.

    For it is in giving that we receive;
    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

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