Passing on living words!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 7:30-38
“He received living words to pass on to us.” (Acts 7:38)
Through Moses, whom they spoke against, God speaks words of life.
Unlikely Moses was the one God used to set His people free.
Can you see the point that Stephen is making?
Jesus is the ‘prophet’ that Moses prophesied (Deuteronomy 18:15).
Jesus did not just receiving living words, He is the living word.
Jesus, like Moses, was from God but was rejected by religious leaders.
His words brought life, hope, peace, healing, joy to the masses.
Ordinary people were drawn to Jesus, but not the religious people.
People today desperately need to hear Jesus’s words of life and hope.
Too often Christians are like religious leaders with hard, angry words.
Jesus is buried in the complicated mess of churchiness and hypocrisy.
As Jesus followers, our words shouldn’t be dry orthodoxy or religious judgment.
Like Jesus, our words ought to bring love, joy, peace, hope and life!
Am I passing on living words… are people’s souls refreshed when I speak?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, too often Your own people are the reason why others don’t find You. Help us to be living witnesses like Stephen, and not like his religious accusers.

One Comment

  1. Amazed by the sight he went over to get a closer look. This reminds me of the book entitled – And God Came Near. Do I have the eyes that see God in the things around me? In the created things, in nature and take a closer look and ‘see’ what the Lord has done? His power, His majesty, His creative ability, His grandeur, or do I take it all for granted? God speaks to His people in various ways. Listen to His voice saying this is the way. Walk in it. Open my eyes Lord that I may see You and hear you in my living for Jesus.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You, I want to see You
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You, I want to see You

    To see You high and lifted up
    Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing holy, holy, holy

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