About this new life?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 5:17-26
“Go… and tell the people all about this new life.” (Acts 5:20)
As a Jesus follower, I claim to have new life in Christ.
And I am encouraged to tell other people about this new life.
Do I tell others about the idea of new life – the facts of Jesus?
Or do I tell others about my experience of new life – how I am changed.
Sharing my ideas about Jesus and new life won’t convince anyone.
Our world is filled with competing ideas, all claiming to be true.
Granted, we also believe the Spirit works through our speaking.
But we also believe the Spirit works in us, to change us.
We cannot and should not share ideas, without also the experience.
Do I experience a new kind of life, the fruit of Jesus’s Spirit in me?
Do I have more love, more peace, more joy, more patience, etc. in me?
Is Jesus in/with me transforming me to live with/like/for Him?
Today I want to focus on this, on how I am experiencing this new life?
The more love, joy and peace I have, the easier it will be to tell others.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I don’t just want to know about, or talk about You. I want to KNOW You, and to SHOW You, so that others can experience You too!

One Comment

  1. The religious leaders were filled with jealousy. Their way was not God’s way. They wanted recognition – prestige. God wanted His word to be proclaimed and nothing can stand in its way. True living – to be truly alive is only a possibility in Christ Jesus. And that Good News needs to be shared with the world. As the apostles were freed to serve, so I too am free to serve Him by what I say and do – word and deed – being a living letter of Christ Jesus living in me for all to see.

    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.
    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.

    When I feel afraid,
    And think I’ve lost my way.
    Still, You’re there right beside me.
    Nothing will I fear
    As long as You are near;
    Please be near me to the end.

    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.
    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path.

    I will not forget
    Your love for me and yet,
    My heart forever is wandering.
    Jesus be my guide,
    And hold me to Your side,
    And I will love you to the end.

    Nothing will I fear
    As long as You are near;
    Please be near me to the end.

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