Focus on Jesus!!!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Corinthians 3-4
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers…” (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Satan is only the ‘god of this age’ through deception.
Ever since Genesis 3, he has been deceiving God’s image-bearer rulers.
We are deceived, confused, lost, far from paradise, restless wanderers.
Our world would have been a glorious kingdom, beautiful and joy-filled.
Jesus, God’s new image-bearer (4:4), comes to restore God’s paradise.
So why are people eager for this, quick to welcome Jesus and the kingdom?
Because the deceiver still deceives, and we prefer cling to the darkness.
Look at our broken, messed up world, who would want things to be this way?
Look at love and goodness of Jesus, who wouldn’t want things this way?
Life in this world is hard because the deceiver still deceives.
But life can be better because the Saviour still saves.
As Jesus followers, we see a better world displayed in the face of Jesus.
We fix our eyes on all that He is and does, and find hope in Him.
And He is changing us from the inside out, to reflect Him more and more.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, the deceiver tries to shift my focus away from You. But I will keep my eyes on You, for Your love and goodness is our only hope in this broken, messed up world.

One Comment

  1. Fix your eyes on Jesus so that we focus on the eternal and not the temporal. And while we do this others can see whose we are – living letters – Christ Jesus living in us. He empowers and enables us to be His ambassadors so that many more may see His grace and give thanks for all that He has done for us. Praise Him.
    Thank Him.
    Live a life of thanksgiving
    which is only a possibility if we keep our eyes on Jesus.

    1 Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bring
    unto our Father for every good thing.
    All together, joyfully sing!

    2 All people, join us and sing out God’s praise.
    For all his blessings your happy songs raise.
    All together, joyfully sing!

    3 May we go out from here sharing God’s love.
    Help us in coming days our faith to prove.
    All together, joyfully sing!

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