
THE STORY OF JESUS: Acts 4:13-22
“They were unschooled, ordinary men…” (Acts 4:13)
Jesus delights in making the ordinary extraordinary!
Are these the same men that denied Jesus a weeks earlier?
Notice what changed them – “These men had been with Jesus!” (Acts 4:13)
I just read a biography of an extraordinary man of deep, sincere prayer.
A man who ‘walked and talked’ with Jesus through his days.
Jesus was a part of his daily experience, and it changed him.
I cannot be with Jesus in the same way these disciples were.
But through the Spirit and prayer, Jesus is with me every day.
And He changes me too, if I let Him.
Walking and talking with Jesus does not make life easier.
But as I go through life’s challenges and battles, He does use me.
The Lord will change hearts and increase blessing through me.
He uses me to encourage the discouraged, and set captives free.
He uses me to bring hope, peace, joy, life-change… extraordinary!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, remind me how extraordinary life can be when I walk and talk with You through each day. Help me to see some of the extraordinary blessing!

One Comment

  1. Go good.
    Do what is right and true.
    Listen to the Voice whispering – this is the Way. Walk in it. God’s Way.
    The religious readers wanted popularity – people praise.
    I need to be intune with God and His ways always.
    Help me on my way Lord.

    Have Thine own way, Lord,
    Have Thine own way;
    Hold o’er my being
    Absolute sway.
    Fill with Thy Spirit
    Till all shall see
    Christ only, always,
    Living in me.

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