Set my tongue on fire!

“Tongues of fire separated and came to rest on each of them.” (Acts 2:3)
I am trying to figure out what a “tongue of fire”.
The word ‘glossa’ can literally mean the tongue, or a language.
Either way, it normally has to do with the mouth.
I imagine some kind of flame-like lights around them.
But more than that, I imagine their tongues were ‘on fire’.
They spoke with animation and passion – in unknown languages!
It was the message, not just the ‘fire’ that drew the people.
“We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!
Some people pray to God that they might speak in tongues.
My prayer is for my tongue to be set on fire for Jesus.
As a Jesus follower, I want Jesus to speak through me.
To speak “not simply with words but also with power…
With the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.” (1 Thessalonians 1:4)

This is the only way we can witness for Jesus effectively!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have opportunities to speak about You. Ignite my tongue with Your Spirit, that people may hear the wonders about You!

One Comment

  1. The gift of the Spirit.
    Being SpiritLead.
    Being enabled.
    All nations can hear the Word in their own language
    and still more people today need to hear the Good News in their own language. God is not finished with His people yet but continues to empower them.
    The words I speak also need to be the words of Christ. Others must see that Christ lives within me not only by actions but also words.
    Word and deed ministry as a Jesus follower.
    A living letter for Christ.

    Holy words long preserved
    for our walk in this world,
    They resound with God’s own heart
    Oh, let the Ancient words impart.

    Words of Life, words of Hope
    Give us strength, help us cope
    In this world, where e’er we roam
    Ancient words will guide us Home.

    Ancient words ever true
    Changing me, and changing you.
    We have come with open hearts
    Oh let the ancient words impart.

    Holy words of our Faith
    Handed down to this age.
    Came to us through sacrifice
    Oh heed the faithful words of Christ.

    Holy words long preserved
    For our walk in this world.
    They resound with God’s own heart
    Oh let the ancient words impart.

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