why ‘Follower of Jesus’ is weak

Here is an interesting article, good for me to think about…

Think Christian by Steven Koster

Until Lisa Miller asked the question, I hadn’t really thought about the relative merits of “Follower of Jesus” vs. “Christian” as a self-description. I appreciate the whole idea of fresh new ways to tell the old, old story. But as I’ve mulled it over, I’ve surprised myself how I like Follower of Jesus less and less in the face of alternative names. So here’s reasons why “Follower of Jesus” is weak:

1) It says so little about who Jesus was.

Jesus of Nazareth was God’s Anointed One (Christos in Greek, Messiah in Hebrew). He was not just some rabbi who taught people to be nice to each other. He came announcing that God was doing something big in history, and then he accomplished it. Jesus was his name, but Christ was his title, designating more clearly what he was all about. So at the very least “Follower of Christ” is a more significant description than “Follower of Jesus.” Continue reading why ‘Follower of Jesus’ is weak

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