Jesus my brother – like me, like Him!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 20:10-18
“I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (John 20:17)
I believe that Jesus is the Word of God made human (John 1:1).
While on earth, He was fully human: His Father was our Father, His God was our God.
We tend to jump to quickly to saying ‘Jesus is God!’.
I’m not questioning His divine origin, but want to stress His humanity.
He emptied Himself of His divine identity (Philippians 2:5-8) to become fully human.
This is how He is our Saviour; He is Adam succeeding where all other Adams failed.
By overcoming sin, death and Satan, Jesus is established as God’s Son (Romans 1:4).
And we are restored as God’s sons and daughters through faith in Him.
Satan no longer owns us; we belong body and soul, in life and in death, to God.
The grip of death is broken, the power of sin is released, Satan is defeated!
Jesus is Lord of creation (Genesis 1:26-28), and we reign with Him (Ephesians 2:6).
These words of Jesus show us how Jesus stands with us under God.
Do you think of yourself as equal to Jesus in His humanity?
Do you see Jesus as a model of who you are to be, who you can be?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for becoming like me, so that I can become like You… like I was meant to be!

One Comment

  1. Knowing and yet not knowing.
    They saw the grave and their Lord crucified. They were caught up in their grief not realizing what He had said. Only when they heard His voice or saw Him risen did they believe that the Lord lives. Seeing Him is a gift and the hope of my faith – that is a gift of God. And because of this I need to become like Him, alive in Him, alive forevermore. I need to be an instrument of His peace so that others may see Christ Jesus living in me.

    Alive alive alive forevermore
    My Jesus is alive alive forevermore
    Alive alive alive forevermore
    My Jesus is alive alive forevermore
    Sing alleluia sing alleluia
    My Jesus is alive forevermore
    Sing alleluia sing alleluia
    My Jesus is alive

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