Better to drink God’s cup!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 18:1-11
“Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” (John 18:11)
Jesus came to show us how God wants us to live in the world.
Adam and Eve were not designed to fight, to kill, to hurt or be violent.
This kind of behaviour, rampant in our world, is not original to our nature.
But SIN and Satan have twisted and warped our nature, and now it is normal.
We recently remembered the 100 year anniversary of the WW1 Armistice.
There we see how humanity drinks from a horrific, bloody cup.
The cup that God gave us, and Jesus, to drink, was not suffering.
The cup we are still given is the cup of love, joy, peace, patience, etc.
This is a good cup, which everyone knows is good, yet we fail to drink it.
The solution to all then hate and violence in the world is not more of the same.
God gave Jesus the cup of love, and He drank it to the full.
It did result in suffering, but even more, it began a revolution.
Jesus has beaten SIN and Satan by restoring the cup of God’s goodness.
Will we join with Jesus in drinking this cup, even if no one else is drinking it?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, we can’t change the world with force or violence or politics. Help me to see that the ONLY way to change our world is to put away our swords and drink the cup of grace, mercy, love, joy and peace!

One Comment

  1. Betrayal.
    Betrayal from within.
    Jesus stopped the soldiers in their tracks. He could have saved Himself but He chose His Father’s will, the way of love. One of the disciples met the opposition with the sword and cut off the ear but Jesus healed the high priest’s slave. Jesus met His opposition with grace and truth doing His Father’s will. And I must do the same showing the love of God in all I do and say when things go well and when things go badly – His light will mark the Way.

    Grace and truth shall mark the way
    Where the Lord His own will lead,
    If His Word they still obey
    And His testimonies heed.

    For Thy name’s sake hear Thou me,
    For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;
    Pardon my iniquity,
    For my sin is very great.

    He who walks in godly fear
    In the path of truth shall go;
    Peace shall be his portion here,
    And his sons all good shall know.

    They that fear and love the Lord
    Shall Jehovah’s friendship know;
    He will grace to them accord,
    And His faithful covenant show.

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