Living with peace of mind!

“The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6)
What does it mean to have my mind “governed by the Spirit”?
My sense is that I am now living in willing surrender to Jesus as Lord.
In fellowship WITH Jesus by the Spirit, my mind wants to live LIKE and FOR Him.
It is not a burden, because I know in advance that Jesus is FOR me.
Though I struggle and fail, I cannot be stopped.
In Christ the victory is won, I am just stepping into that victory.
Nothing can separate me from God’s love, including sin and Satan’s attacks.
This underlying confidence in grace gives me “life and peace”.
I press on, even when I falter or fail; I get back up with Jesus and keep moving.
In addition, the things I think about are “life and peace”.
I am motivated by the kinds of things that lead to “life and peace”.
The Spirit produces within me things like “love, joy, peace, etc.”
There is no condemnation anymore, I am “more than” a conqueror in Christ!
The ride may be tough, but the destination is guaranteed!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have set my heart on living WITH, LIKE and FOR You. This is not easy, for my flesh is weak. But Your Spirit is strong, and I belong to You. Nothing can keep me from Your love!

One Comment

  1. SpiritLead.
    Living for Jesus.
    This enables us. He empowers us to do what is right and good and true.
    Love God.
    There is no other way but to trust and obey.
    In Him and through Him I am able to live for Jesus so that others are able to See Christ Jesus living in me. I am His follower and He gives me the strength, the power, the desire, the will to live for Him.

    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Melt me mold me
    Fill me use me
    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me.

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