Empty religion?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Zechariah 4-7
“When you fasted and mourned, was it really for me that you fasted? (Zechariah 7:5)
God’s people are in exile because they turned away from God (7:13).
They still practiced their religion, but not from their hearts.
They went through the motions, but not with the meaning.
Zechariah is both comforting and challenging them with visions.
‘You’re in this mess because of how you turned from God.
But He will turn back to you, and set things straight.
He will light the lamp, restore the altar and the throne.
Not by human strength or effort, but by His Spirit.’
God offers us this same hope for renewal and restoration.
But we need to stop playing religion and pretending devotion.
Going to church, saying our prayers, etc. this is not true devotion.
Jesus the Branch has come, and the Vine is being restored.
But we must remain in Him if we want new life in Him (John 15:1-8).
Are you sincerely serving God, or just going through the motions?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You do not want me to be religious, You want me to be real. You are offering me life transformation, but only if I sincerely want it.

One Comment

  1. The people refused to pay attention. They listened to their own voice and not the Lord’s. The people did what was right in their own eyes. Their hearts were hardened.
    God’s people need to listen to His voice calling them and leading them and guiding them by His Spirit. His people, I, need to live by His central command – love one another as He loved me. This is the way for God’s children as they live in His presence.

    Change my heart oh God
    Make it ever true
    Change my heart oh God
    May I be like You

    You are the potter
    I am the clay
    Mold me and make me
    This is what I pray

    Change my heart oh God
    Make it ever true
    Change my heart oh God
    May I be like You

    Lord, You are the Potter and I am the clay.
    Mold me and make me, have Thine own way

    Lord, I need Your Spirit, Lord, I need Your grace;
    Help me to run this Christian race.

    You are the Potter, I am the clay.
    Mold me and make me, have Thine own way.

    Lord, I give my life, I give my all to You,
    To be a willing vessel, to use me through and through.

    Lord, I need Your Spirit, Lord, I need Your grace;
    Help me to run this Christian race.

    Have Your way,
    Have Your way in me.

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