With love and tears!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 11:28-37
“Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)
In Jesus, we see God; in Jesus’ tears, we see God’s tears.
Could God or Jesus keep us from dying – technically, yes. (John 11:37)
For some reason God does not just snap His fingers and fix everything.
He does intervene at times, but His goal is more than just fixing our problems.
God is addressing the source of our problems, our sin condition.
Our selfish, sinful hearts have resulted in this broken, messed up world.
He could just ‘fix it’, instead He sets out to ‘fix us’.
In Jesus (human) we see what ruling over and caring for creation looks like.
We see love, justice, compassion, and tears – a true human and God-like response.
With love, and tears, God rescues us from sinful, selfish living…
And restores us to be loving leaders and caregivers.
Like Jesus, we need to weep with those who weep, suffer with those who suffer.
And offer ourselves in service to God, and to all, with love and tears.
This is how we are saved – this what we are saved for!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your tears speak volumes. Thank You for showing me how much You care, for all people. May my tears flow with Your for those who still need to experience Your love.

One Comment

  1. ‘The teacher is here and He is calling for you.’
    Jesus knows our lives and He knows our good times and He knows our bad times. And even in those bad times He calls us to Him.
    Come to Me the Lord says even when you are weary and your burdens are heavy. He will give you rest. He is the place of rest. Reach out to Him and draw close to Him. Put your/my small hand into His for He is Comfort.
    Come to Jesus.

    He is always there
    Hearing ev’ry prayer
    Faithful and true
    Walking by our side
    In His love we hide
    All the day through
    When you get discouraged
    Just remember what to do
    Reach out to Jesus
    He’s reaching out to you
    Verse 1
    Is your burden heavy
    As you bear it all alone
    Does the road you travel
    Harbor danger yet unknown
    Are you growing weary
    In the struggle of it all
    Jesus will help you
    When on His name you call
    Verse 2
    Is the life you’re living
    Filled with sorrow and despair
    Does the future press you
    With its worry and its care
    Are you tired and friendless
    Have you almost lost your way
    Jesus will help you
    Just come to Him today

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