Opportunities to shine for God!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 11:1-10
“It is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” (John 11:4)
Jesus knows Who He is, as God’s messiah sent to restore God’s kingdom.
Everything happening around Him is set up by God to reveal His identity.
Deep down He trusts God to use this Lazarus occasion to do that too.
Jesus describes the way He lives as ‘walking in the daylight’.
Darkness and light are used symbolically here.
Jesus is not worried because He is determined to do what is right (light).
People usually do bad things in the dark, in the shadows, in the late hours.
Jesus is not hiding Himself, He does what He does for everyone to see.
And this is how He is glorified: people see His goodness and marvel.
God put us here to be like bright lights that bring goodness and love.
Do we know who we are as God’s much loved, forgiven and restored children?
Let’s not hide it or brag about it, let’s live it and let God shine through it.
God is setting us up today for good; take the opportunity to shine with His love!
All that happens today is an opportunity to show who He is, and who we are!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to live in such a way that people are drawn to Your goodness. Let people praise You because of me today!

One Comment

  1. Do I see God’s glory also through sickness? Great danger was in store if Jesus did go to help for the leaders were ‘waiting’ for Him. Yet Jesus was willing to pay the price. He did go in His time to help His friend. Am I also ready to help when it costs?
    And He did help in His time – God’s timing. How often do I try to do things in my timing and not His?

    He makes all things beautiful, in His time,
    Lord, please show me everyday,
    As You’re teaching me Your way,
    That You do just what You say, in Your time.
    Verse 2:
    In Your time, in Your time,
    You make all things beautiful, in Your time.
    Lord, my life to You I bring,
    May each song I have to sing,
    Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time

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