Becoming like our idols!

“Those who make idols will be like them… all who trust in them.” (Psalm 115:8)
We don’t think about idols much today, but we have them too.
An idol is something that we look to as worthy of our devotion.
Our idols are things (or people) we love and serve – money, success, pleasure.
Usually it’s the idea behind the idol: what it does for us, how it makes us feel.
The psalmist describes peoples’ idols as lifeless, powerless, useless.
They also say that we become like the idol we seek and serve.
We become like what we pursue, we are shaped by our desires.
Our love for work makes us workaholics; our love for alcohol… alcoholics.
Our love for a celebrity leads us to dress and act and think like them.
We were made to seek and to serve God, and to be like God.
Anything less, and we become less than we were meant to be.
What (or who) is your life becoming like, and how is that like God?
Our idols and ideas cannot bring us the LIFE we desire.
Only as we seek God can we flourish (115:14), as we become more like God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I don’t think I have idols, but I certainly have things I value and pursue. Help me to see that these are my idols, and that they CANNOT give me the life I am looking for.

One Comment

  1. Where do I place my trust and hope?
    Where is my security?
    In riches and wealth?
    What is my driving force in life?
    Is wealth my god?
    As a small child I must say that Jesus is the answer.
    He gives meaning to Life.
    I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is love.
    He is my Refuge and Strength.
    His name I will praise every day for He empowers me.

    Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
    His banner over me is love.
    Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
    His banner over me is love.
    Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
    His banner over me is love.
    His banner over me is love!

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