Students of Jesus – not the bible!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 5:31-40
“These are the very Scriptures that testify about me!
Yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” (John 5:40)

For many years I was a student of the bible.
I studied it, read it in its original language, read commentaries on it.
I knew it front to back, and I could explain (I thought) how it all fit together.
Sunday after Sunday I preached the bible, and urged people to read it.
But it slowly dawned on me that I did not have a relationship with Jesus.
My focus was on the bible, just like the religious leaders Jesus spoke to.
I was called to be a student (disciple) of Jesus, not the bible.
Since that time my focus, my trust, my hope has shifted toward Jesus.
I still use the bible all the time, but only in dialogue with Jesus.
‘What does this teach me about You, how does this fit with what You said?’
My hope does not lie in interpreting the bible correctly – it is in Jesus.
The bible is my altar, my meeting place, where I can relate to Jesus.
I trust the Spirit of Jesus to teach me, to help me, to show me the way!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for reclaiming my heart for You, for rescuing me from bibliolatry. And thank You for meeting me when I open the pages of scripture. Its You I want to know!

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