“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16)
QUIET SPACE (based loosely on Psalm 23)
Lord, You are my Friend and my Helper.
You are all that I need.
You calm me down when I am stressed.
You whisper peace to my troubled mind.
You refresh my soul.
You guide me in the right direction,
to bring me closer to You.
Even when I am in the darkness
of difficulty or despair,
I do not need to be afraid, for You are still with me.
Your Spirit and Your Word strengthen me.
You have prepared this QUIET SPACE for me…
(pause, close your eyes, breathe deep)
…in the middle of all my struggles.
Your Spirit refreshes me from head to toe.
My heart is overflowing.
I am certain that Your goodness and love
will always be there for me, to the very end.
And one day I will enjoy
Your loving presence forever!
I love this Pastor Norm! Thank you! 🙂