fire and water

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 19
The symbolism of the red heifer, its burned ashes kept outside the camp and mixed with water, relates to the cleansing benefit of Jesus’ death for sinners, to make them clean [1 John 1:7-9]. Once again the goriness of the ritual can distract us from the grace and blessing the Lord offers His people. These prescriptions for cleansing protected the people from physical and spiritual impurity. People were still able to deal with the dead and dying, but in safe, sanitary ways.

Do we appreciate the pollution that sin causes, not only moral but also social, physical, etc. All that is wrong in this world – is directly or indirectly connected to our moral, spiritual disease. We need more than ritual purity, we need deep spiritual cleansing, purging with fire. And yet few people admit this. Most of us live in ignorance to the subtle, destructive power of sin among us.

But the Lord knows it. He does not prescribe these rituals to cleanse the people, but to point them to the seriousness of sin and the need for deep cleansing. The rituals cannot change our sinful, sick hearts. We need soul surgery, soul purging.

This is why John the Baptist, himself practicing a ritual for cleansing, points beyond what he is doing to what only the Messiah can do. “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” [Matthew 3:11]. He recognizes that our real problem is inside of us.

You have been through cleansing water (baptism)? You have repented of sin? This is still not enough. It is but the gateway to healing, cleansing. We need the Spirit of God to enter us, to burn like fire in us, to purge us of our old nature and give birth to a new nature. By divine power, we need to be reborn through fire. Like the fabled phoenix, we need to die in fire and ashes, then come back to life a new creature.

Sound complicated? It is, but not for God. It is something He must do, we cannot. We must repent, we must surrender, we must pray. And as we stand in that gateway, He will come with the Spirit and with fire. And He will change us from the inside out.

Lord, I have surrendered before, but I surrender again. Send Your Spirit, Your fire, to cleanse and renew me even more.


  1. The whole concept of “clean” and “unclean” status is one that is really processing with me right now.

    The “unclean” status is both one that is protective (for yourself and others) and also a type of separation for healing. It is not a status anyone would want to have but it is a possible reality that everyone in the community will come across at some time or another in their lifetime. It is a normal occurance but somehow it can become such a focus of judgement.

    From the readings though, it would appear that God’s intention is that the “unclean” status is temporary and that when the healing or required time period is complete, the person is able to be enfolded back into the camp.

    Lord, help me enfold others back into camp after their period of isolation and healing. Help me realize that this is a typical thing that can occur to any of us. Help me allow myself even to enter back into the camp after your healing process in me is complete.

  2. “Most of us live in ignorance to the subtle, destructive power of sin among us.”

    It is so true…it starts out with little ‘things’ that we rationalize as not sinful …this leads to little lies to cover these transgressions….we rationalize our behaviour until the sin grows and grows and then it is out of control.

    Like you said Cindy…we crawl back to God…fall on our faces before him in repentance. Being cleansed, renewed on the inside is necessary, but living with the consequences of sin can leave us questioning forgiveness. (Ok, me questioning)

    Reading numbers has really shown me the severity of our sin and the penalty that we deserve.

    God truly offers amazing grace…
    Romans 8:1-2 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.”

  3. It’s funny (?) how easy it is to gloss over our own sin in our minds – above all else we are deceitful to ourselves about our real state! Until life starts to unravel and then I find myself crawling back to God, willing to surrender and to let God search my heart and expose where the rot is. Reminds me of the Israelites in the Old Testament … again and again…

    “Lord I have surrendered before and I surrender again”. Thank you for the opportunity to do so!

  4. Fire and water. The offering tells of the sacrifice of Christ and the water signifies the presence, the gift of His Spirit. I need both. I need to see the sin that I do and its effect upon my daily living. I need to be redeemed by the blood of Christ and serve the risen Savior. But I also need to be planted like a tree by the river of life as the Psalmist states so that I may have true life indeed. The water not only gives life but also cleanses. I need to be washed again and again so that I am am whiter than snow.

    Thank You Lord for these symbols to remind me of my state. Thank You Lord for the gift of Your Spirit who leads and guides me in the way that I should go. As You led Your people Isreal, so lead and guide me each day by Your Spirit.

    Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole;
    I want Thee forever to live in my soul;
    Break down every idol, cast out every foe—
    Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

    Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow,
    Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

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