
“Judah became God’s sanctuary” (Psalm 114:2)
When you look at someone, what do you see?
Do you see JUST their limitations, or their FULL God-potential?
Israel was not a strong nation, not impressive or scary.
But the Red Sea parted for her… because God was with her.
Creation recognizes the children of God when it sees them.
God was living in/among this nation of slaves, and that made her mighty.
Every living person is a reflection of God – we see God in them!
Not that everyone is aware of this, or acts like it.
But it is true; we are or ought to be God’s sanctuary.
God wants to live with us, in us, He treasures us as His own.
Jesus is God’s personal appeal: let God live in/with you!
When God lives in/with us, we become God’s glorious ambassadors.
We are filled with God-potential – never just a JUST.
If only we knew who we were, and lived like it!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see the people around me, and myself, as God’s sanctuaries. Help us to start living like it!

One Comment

  1. God, my God is with me always. Do I see His presence always?
    As He was with the children of Israel, leading them and guiding them, splitting the waters for their escape, giving them water from the rocks, fulfilling their needs, so too His presence is in my life leading me in the way.
    Emmanuel – God is with His people.
    God is with me.
    God enables His people.
    The joy of the Lord God is my strength.
    He enables.

    O Thou fount of blessing, purify my spirit;
    Trusting only in Thy merit,
    Like the holy angels who behold Thy glory,
    May I ceaselessly adore Thee,
    And in all, great and small, seek to do most nearly
    What Thou lovest dearly.

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