THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 24:36-43
“They still did not believe it because of joy and amazement.” (Luke 24:41)
The disciples were not stupid, they knew dead humans did not come back to life.
They were not expecting Jesus to rise, and they couldn’t believe it when He did.
Some people suggest the disciples made this all up about Jesus being alive again.
But this defies all logic, especially if you think they were willing to die for a lie.
Others say that they only experienced Jesus spiritually, in their hearts.
Or that their grief made them feel as if Jesus appeared to them.
But they made it very clear: He was physical, He ate food, we touched Him!
The disciples knew exactly what they saw, and they knew it was impossible.
They had a hard time believing it for themselves.
Yet in the end their joy and amazement won out, and they told everyone.
Even though it made them look foolish, even though people thought they were drunk.
Even though they were taunted and tortured and threatened with death.
No other explanation makes sense: these were not fools, and they were not liars!
They saw and touched Jesus, alive… and their lives were transformed as a result!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, please show Yourself to me, and to others, in a way that cannot be denied, and in a way that changes our lives dramatically too!