to help us remember

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 15
In Numbers 15, the narrative shifts without explanation. It describes how every sacrifice must be accompanied by a grain (bread) and drink (wine) offering. I see this as sacramental, a symbolic picture of fellowship with God (pictured by a meal of bread and wine) restored through the death of the substitute. It also describes how this applies to everyone, both Israelite and non-Israelite – portraying the inclusive extent of God’s grace. It describes the sacrifice for unintentional sin, but also what happens to those who wilfully defy and despise God. This was the sin of the Sabbath-breaker. And it finishes with a description of more symbolic reminders (sacraments) of God’s covenant, the tassels on their clothes.

The Lord gives us many reminders to remember, many warnings not to defy Him. I see the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper as another symbol, like the grain and drink offering, of our fellowship with God. “And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.’” [Luke 22:19-20]

I see this passage as a reminder to me to take the Lord seriously, to not forget about Him through my day. Every time I eat and drink, I can be reminded of His sacrifice and of my fellowship with Him. Every time I see a cross, or a bible, or a church, etc. Like the tassels, they are reminders for us so that we “will be consecrated to our God” and not “prostitute ourselves by going after the lusts of our own hearts and eyes.”

Try this: wear a cross chain or bracelet. Keep it prominent, visible, for your own accountability. Think about it as you are tempted to steal, to lie, to lust, or to do anything that you know would dishonour the Lord. Positively, it can be a reminder of the Lord’s presence in your life. But what happens when you commit the sin anyway, even though you were reminded of the Lord by the cross? Well, this would be defiance. And this passage speaks to that too. Defiance eventually leads to separation from God (not fellowship), and that eventually leads to death.

Today, allow the cross, or bread and wine, recall Your attention to the Lord’s love, sacrifice, and presence with you. Do not defy Him, desire Him! And you will enjoy fellowship with Him!

Lord, there have been times when I have defied You, done what is wrong fully aware of Your presence. Thank You for Your mercy, help me to change!


  1. As I read through the chapters of Numbers, I get a better understanding of Jehovah, the God of the Old (and New) Testament. A few observations or comments so far:
    – God appears and speaks to his people through chosen members of the Israelites e.g. Moses. How does this really happen? Does a cloud speak? Does Moses literally hear God’s voice, or is it as a vision? Nevertheless, it is unmistaken that God communicates His wishes to His people. Does He do the same today? I’ll bet He does. Are you listening?
    – God gives many commandments to the people. In fact He is very specific. Is God really that concerned about the specifics? I’ll bet He is. Whether it is a small sin (in our eyes) or a big sin, sin is sin, and God will do what it takes to deal with it. Sometimes, in Numbers, His actions may seem cruel, even barbaric (Num. 16:32-36) to us in our time. I’ll trust that God knows what is best even if I don’t. You can be sure that God deals with the specifics of our lives too.
    – God appears to have human qualities. He feels emotions like we do, Chapter 11 and Chapter 14 are good examples of God being angry and vengeful towards His people. In my mind, I tend to think of God always being mild-mannered and never angry – he isn’t allowed to be, or maybe I don’t want Him to. I’ve boxed Him in, into what I want Him to be. I forget that God made us in His image, a likeness of Himself, so to speak. He gave us emotions, so perhaps He has them too. The Bible is clear that God gets angry, jealous, happy, joyful and so on, just like us. He understands our feelings, our joys and our pains.
    Lord, thank you for being a God who cares, a God who understands me in my uniqueness, who deals with the specifics of my life. Help me to see sin as you do, and to live my life as you would have your people do.

  2. You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the LORD, that you may obey them. Set apart by the Lord God in dress. The tassels were to serve as a reminder to serve the Lord God. They were a memory stone – just as the rocks were after the people crossed the river – a visual reminder of the faithfulness of the Lord to His people. I need reminders also this day – whether the small cross I wear or the bracelet on my right arm saying WWJD. They are not there for decoration, but a visual reminder to walk in His Sonshine in all I do and say. It is the King I am serving this day. Help me to be a living witness for You this day Lord for also this day, Today God Is First.

    Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
    Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
    Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
    Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

    Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
    I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
    Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
    Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

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