A new and better arrangement!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 22:14-23
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” (Luke 22:20)
A covenant is an agreement, a contract or an arrangement between two parties.
God made different covenants in the past: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Israel, David.
Each arrangement was unique, designed for different purposes.
But they had one goal: “I will be your God and you will be my people.” (Jeremiah 7:23)
Jeremiah promises that one day God will make a new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
A new arrangement, not through an animal sacrifice, but through Jesus’ sacrifice.
Jesus is basis of our new relationship with God, one rooted in God’s grace.
God has restored us fully as His creation partners through Jesus victory on the cross.
We are not under Moses’ covenant with Israel, though we can learn from it.
We are new covenant children of God, following Jesus and the Law of Love!
We now partner with Him in His kingdom mission, until He returns again.
Please understand: the old covenant (OT) is instructive, but we are not under it!
Jesus – not the Law – is our Master; we need to devote our attention to Him!
We live by the Spirit of Jesus, and He helps us know and follow God’s will.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You have restored me as God’s child. You have restored God’s Spirit in me. You are working in and through me to follow God’s eternal will! You will be with me to the end! I gladly surrender to this new arrangement!

One Comment

  1. Jesus, the Lamb of God.
    It was symbolic that the last supper was the Passover meal. Jesus was the Lamb to be slain so that you and I could have true life in His Kingdom. By His death I am healed and brought into a new relationship. Living for Jesus.
    By participation in that meal I too proclaim that He is Lord.
    Jesus is the bread of Life.
    By His blood I am made whole.
    Ready to serve – serving in His Kingdom.

    Jesus Christ bread of life, those who come to You will not hunger
    Jesus Christ Risen Lord those, who trust in You will not thirst

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