The church that impresses God!

“The time will come when not one stone will be left on another.” (Luke 21:6)
This reading makes me think of Shania Twain’s song, ‘That don’t impress me much!’
The disciples are impressed by the beautiful temple structures.
I attended a mega church and someone said, ‘wouldn’t you like a church like THIS?
Something in me groaned… no, ‘that don’t impress me much!’
Jesus knows that buildings come to ruin, but the kingdom of God endures forever.
He knows the future of the temple, and the future of our church buildings.
Every year approximately 7000 churches close their doors for the last time.
Think of how those churches began, some with impressive buildings and programs.
None of the churches Paul started still exists, and yet the Church moves on!
The church is not a building, not an ‘it’; it is the people of God, a ‘who’!
“You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house… (1 Peter 2:4)
When God sees people loving and serving Him, ‘that impresses Him much!’
Every church has a life cycle, every church will eventually end…
But the Fellowship of Jesus followers throughout time will endure forever!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for spending so much on buildings – which don’t impress You – rather than on people – who do impress and bless You. Please build an impressive group of people through us this year!

One Comment

  1. The sign of the times – God at work – seeing God’s hand – putting all things in their proper perspective. Follow not what man’s hands have done. Nor listen to voices shouting out their own ways of living. Seek His presence in all things. Open my eyes Lord that I see the sign of the times and hear Your voice saying, come follow me.
    The temple would be destroyed, but the Lord reigns forevermore in the temple of my heart which can not be broken down. He reigns.
    His temple can never be destroyed.
    My God is an everlasting God.
    His kingdom is forevermore.
    Serve Him.
    There can be no other.
    Live for Him.

    1. Not what my hands have done
    Can save my guilty soul;
    Not what my toiling flesh has borne
    Can make my spirit whole.
    Not what I feel or do
    Can give me peace with God;
    Not all my prayers,
    And sighs and tears
    Can bear my awful load.

    2. Thy work alone, O Christ,
    Can ease this weight of sin
    Thy blood alone O Lamb of God,
    Can give me peace within.
    Thy love to me O God,
    Not mine, O Lord, to Thee
    Can rid me of
    This dark unrest,
    And set my spirit free!

    3. Thy grace alone, O God,
    To me can pardon speak;
    Thy power alone O Son of God,
    Can this sore bondage break.
    No other work, save Thine,
    No other blood will do,
    No strength save that,
    Which is divine,
    Can bear me safely through.

    4. I bless the Christ of God;
    I rest on love divine;
    And with unfaltering lip and heart,
    I call this Savior mine.
    His cross dispels each doubt,
    I bury in His tomb
    My unbelief,
    And all my fear,
    Each lingering shade of gloom.

    5. I praise the God of grace,
    I trust His truth and might
    He calls me His, I call Him mine,
    My God, my joy, my light
    ?Tis He Who saveth me,
    And freely pardon gives
    I love because
    He loveth me,
    I live because He lives!

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