My heart, His home!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 19:45-48
“My house will be a house of prayer’…” (Luke 19:46)
God did not live in the temple as a house.
But it did symbolically remind the people that He was with them.
Prayer is more than formally talking to God, it is our whole relationship.
It includes any heart interaction between God and us, with or without words.
This is God’s desire for the temple symbolically, and for life in general.
That we might live WITH Him and interact with Him everywhere.
Jesus replaces the temple to show us that God is with us (Matthew 12:6).
Through Jesus, our lives can become spaces for interaction with God.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
Do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
Giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)

Jesus’ concern today as well is that we do not make our hearts a den of robbers.
That we not make ourselves ‘at home’ with greed, lust, anger, etc.
He looks at us and insists, “My house will be a house of prayer’…” (Luke 19:46)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am Your temple, You live in and with me. Am I making your ‘house’ a place of loving interaction with You, or a space for harboring and feeding sinful, selfish desires?

One Comment

  1. Hanging onto His Words.
    Jesus is the answer.
    He was and still is today saving grace.
    The temple was a sign that God was with His people. He dwelt among them.
    Yet. . .
    In His presence they still did not serve Him and went after their own hearts desires. Gains for themselves. wealth. Riches. Prominence.
    However the people hung on His Words.
    Open my heart Lord that I too hang onto Your Words and live them each day in Your service. Living for Jesus can only happen when the King resides in my heart. His residence needs to be there.
    Always in His presence.
    Walking and talking with the Saviour.
    That’s life!

    Well I am walking in spirit in the Spirit of the Lord
    Yes I am walking, walking, talking in the Spirit of the Lord
    I walk the walk, and talk the talk In the Spirit of the Lord
    Yes I am walking, talking in the Spirit of the Lord

    Since I accepted Jesus my life has really changed
    Now I am walking in the sunshine and no longer in the rain
    My heart is build with feelings I simply can’t explain
    I am walking in the Spirit and with Him I shall remain
    Repeat Chorus

    Christ gave His life for You and me on the cross at Calvary
    Through Him our sins are pardoned that’s His holy guarantee
    So place Your trust in Jesus raise Your hands and do believe
    Now you’re walking in the Spirit straight to eternity
    Yes I gave Him all my sins I’m forgiven from now on
    I got on my knees and He set my free
    Now the battle I have won He forgave me all my sins
    The day I asked Him in and if I should die tomorrow
    I know it’s not the end

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