His face is beaming!

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 6

Would you make an extreme vow? For example, for Lent, would you consider not cutting your hair or shaving, not drinking any alcohol, and not touching anything dead? Or maybe instead you might vow to not eat chocolate, or drink coffee, or not have sex, or to shave your head completely, to fast for a day, a week or 40 days? Maybe you are doing something for Lent right now.

Whatever you do, do it with sincerity and seriousness. Don’t just do it for public attention, to impress others. And don’t do it under duress, to try to sway God, without intending to see it through. Jesus stresses the seriousness of these commitments when He says, simply let your `Yes’ be `Yes,’ and your `No,’ `No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. [Matthew 5:37] Although He is speaking about swearing an oath, it’s the same as making a vow. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. If you make a vow, keep it!

The Nazirite vow was completely voluntary. It was a person’s way of expressing or strengthening their commitment to the Lord. It is the same for those who choose to fast during Lent. It’s not a command, it’s not required to be a ‘good’ christian. It’s totally voluntary. But if you do it, do it with seriousness and sincerity.

The end of this reading also reminds us that we do not need to impress the Lord by our vows or commitments, or earn His blessing. We are loved, we are blessed, period. He has placed His name on us, we belong to Him, He keeps us close to His heart. When He sees us, He beams (His face shines). He is gracious towards us, and is doing His part to give us peace. The priests were to daily remind the people of this.

So don’t make vows or commitments for any other reason than to express or strengthen your love for the One that already loves you. Relationally, He is very close to us; voluntary fasting can be good for bringing us closer to Him. A serious vow, well-meant, well-done, will result in a great experience of the smiling face and blessing of God.

Lord, You love us. Period. I do not need to impress You or try to win Your approval. You are beaming over me. Help me to love You, more than I do!

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