It starts within me!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 17:20-25
“T kingdom of God is in your midst (literally, within you).” (Luke 17:21)
God’s kingdom doesn’t start as a worldly kingdom, nor a future kingdom.
It is first of all a heart kingdom, a response of the heart to the king.
Genesis 1-2 describes God’s kingdom as He created it to be.
God appointed God-like humans as rulers over this world on His behalf.
But Adam and Eve ceased to be God-like, and messed up God’s kingdom.
Under sinful humanity, God’s kingdom became a dominion of darkness.
Jesus comes as a God-like human to resist Satan and stay true to God.
Jesus saves us by beating Satan, sin and death and reclaiming Adam’s throne.
Jesus is the new Adam, and He is ruling this world in a God-like way.
He extends God’s kingdom rule by growing it in our hearts and lives.
We receive God’s kingdom rule by surrendering our hearts to Jesus.
Every surrendered heart is more territory for Jesus to rule through.
Every day I make choices that help or hinder God’s kingdom.
If I want to see His kingdom come, I need to work with Jesus on my own life.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You have established the kingdom for us, but we need to be active partners in working it out in our hearts and lives. Help me to see that every day I help or hinder Your kingdom by how I live.

One Comment

  1. What do I see?
    Open my eyes Lord that I do see You!
    Open my ears Lord that I might hear You!
    As John’s disciples were told to tell John what they had heard and seen so I too need to tell others what I have heard and seen. I need to be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block.
    The religious leaders of the day were a stumbling block in their leadership. John was a stepping stone – preparing the way of the Lord. And I, I too need to be a stepping stone – a living letter read by all showing what it is living for Jesus. As with the parable of the talents, I need to build upon the talents received to show His glory and power and presence in this world today. Kingdom builders. His kingdom is here and now – in part – but will be in full when He returns. What a Saviour!

    My hope is built on nothing less
    Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
    But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.

    On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
    All other ground is sinking sand;
    All other ground is sinking sand.

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