Seeking God’s ways!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Isaiah 54-56
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” (Isaiah 55:8)
This verse is often quoted to explain the mystery of God’s ways.
But the context suggests that it explains the wrongness of our ways.
It follows a call for sinners to forsake their thoughts and ways (v.7).
It is not the mystery of God’s ways, but of our ways, that is in view here.
Our ways include selfishness, greed, lust, violence, deception, etc.
The fruit of our spirit is hate, sorrow, war, impatience, cruelty, and so on.
God is not like this, this is not the fruit of His Spirit.
As Jesus followers we have responded to God’s thoughts and ways.
We love, admire, appreciate and desire to know and live the Jesus Way.
For the Jesus Way is the God Way, which ought to be the human way.
Isaiah is calling people back to God and to God’s dream for this world.
Jesus calls us to the same kingdom dream, and make it possible for us.
Where are my thoughts and ways not like God’s, where do I need to change?
Am I actively pursuing God’s ways, or drifting in my own preferred ways?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see that my thoughts and ways are ruining my life, and others. Help me to see the way You’ve opened for us – the better way, the only way to satisfying life!

One Comment

  1. Come.
    Come into His presence. He will lead and guide you/me.
    Do what is right.
    Be a blessing to others.
    Be His servant.
    Hold fast to God.
    He will give joy
    for the joy of the Lord God is my strength.
    He will give His people strength as they live for Him.
    Help me Lord, daily to live for You.

    The Joy Of The LORD Is My Strength
    The joy of the LORD is my strength
    The joy of the LORD is my strength
    The joy of the LORD is my strength
    The joy of the LORD is my strength

    He heals the broken-hearted and they cry no more
    He heals the broken-hearted and they cry no more
    He heals the broken-hearted and they cry no more
    The joy of the LORD is my strength!

    He gives me living water and I thirst no more
    He gives me living water and I thirst no more
    He gives me living water and I thirst no more
    The joy of the LORD is my strength!

    He fills my soul with laughter
    Ha, ha, ha … ha, ha (ha ha)
    He fills my soul with laughter
    Ha, ha, ha … ha, ha (ha ha)
    The joy of the LORD is my strength!

    If you want joy you must ask for it
    If you want joy you must ask for it
    If you want joy you must ask for it
    The joy of the LORD is my strength!

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