comment inducer!

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OK, here is my question.
Why do so few people leave comments on my blog?
I know that we have between 30 and 40 visitors a day.
Am I that intimidating?
I would really love to hear from you.
Even if you just say “hi”.

There are “ways” of getting people to leave comments.
But this is no time for monkeying around.
So here’s your chance to have some input.
Just a question, with lots of possible answers.
Tell me what you think!

Why can’t you tickle yourself (but others can)?


  1. Thank you for sharing Cindy, and hopefully you can experience the freedom from the fear of sounding dumb. One encouragement for you is that I do the same thing – I look back on what I’ve written and think it sounds dumb… then someone lets me know God spoke to them. Go figure. Apparently God can use even the ‘dumb’ things we say. In fact, they are not as dumb as we think, we’re just overly critical. So yes, by all means, join us in this free and interactive conversation – one old fogey to another! — Norm

  2. Hi Norm!
    I’m one of those people that “cruises through” all the time but never leaves a comment. I think your blog is great, I love your personal relections and find that it encourages me to think about what I believe and where I am in my walk with God. I have never responded to any blog before and find the whole thing a little intimidating – writing something down in black and white also feels alot more permanent than speaking with someone face to face. However I think that blogging is meant to be more free and interactive but is just something that some of us “old foggey’s” are not used to doing… thanks for the encouragement to get involved! Maybe I’ll take you up on your offer.

    Also, like CoolCarol above I also think, “What if I write something today and tomorrow I realize it sounds really dumb?” Oh well, I guess that really just gives me another opportunity to grow and learn – what I think is a “beam” in my eye probably looks like a “speck” to others…!

  3. Oh yeah, about the tickling. I would place my bets on the Anykiatric Nerve. Who is the brilliant kid who came up with this?
    Sorry twiggy, your answer was ok too. And Mr. Anonymous, well, anyone who can’t remember their own name can’t be that smart either.
    P.S. I know who Mr. Anonymous is, and this is just a joke (for those worried about an blogging warfare).

  4. Thanks for sharing CoolCarol. Sounds like a breakthrough, a God-moment! I’ve gotten past the “what will people think” stage and now I wonder “does anyone care” or even “is anyone out there?” Looking back on some of what I’ve written, I’m embarrassed. As a blog reader, there are so many more and better blogs out there. But hey, its a start! Also for you. One comment may lead to more! Feel free to step out of your comfort any time! Would love to hear you talk about your Jesus!
    — Norm

  5. In response to your question about why so many visitors and so few bloggers. I think, two things come to mind (for me at least)
    1.Fear of Judgement and 2.Fear of Exposure
    which is again is Judgement

    A blog is a permanant and public stamp in time that proves that I stepped out of my comfort zone and did/said/wrote something extrordinary, or something out of my norm.
    But thats just what Jesus asks us to do every day!! To Trust Him!

    To step out of our regular routine,join him courageously. With all our inniquities. (Even our spelling mistakes)To follow Jesus and trust that he will guide us and show us the way.
    The fear of exposure, for me at least, is that everyone will see what I think.. and what if I`m wrong!!! Well I have to change what think, and let God take my hand and Say `So what!!`, I will blog anyway dispite my fears of judgement. Today I will break out of my comfort zone and just say at least something. So there.. I did it..
    So this is me, blogging `What a better way to be than to talk about my Jesus can there possibly be.!!
    so thanks for the question!!!

  6. Actually Mr. Anonymous, 9 out of 10 doctors agree that my dad is smarter than you, as taken from Wikipedia, which is always right. And to answer your most intelligent Father, it is because of the Anykiatric Nerve to your brain. Tickling is a reaction to a outside source, and since it is yourself doing the tickling, the Anykiatric nerve does not react to itself. On the other hand, I totally just made that up, so Twiggy might be right too.

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