THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 15:11-24
“When he came to his senses, he said, ‘I will go back to my father…'” (Luke 15:17-18)
Jesus often used the word ‘repent’ when He spoke to people.
The original word ‘repent’ means to reconsider and change your direction.
Like someone in a destructive relationship finally deciding to leave.
In this parable this young man comes to his senses… rethinks, repents!
He wakes up, it dawns on him that his life does not make sense the way it is.
His mind considers his situation, and he sees how foolish he is.
Does this kind of ‘repenting’ relate to me – do I need to come to my senses?
Life without the Father slowly unravels, and leads into more misery.
We strike out on our own, we go our own way – hows that working for us?
The high levels of medication and drugs seem to suggest not so good.
So many of us are living and eating like pigs; we need to rethink, repent!
We were not made for pig life, and our God wants so much more for us.
He is eager for us to come to our senses, and eager to welcome us home.
Is there something in your life that is ruining you, that you need to rethink?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, several small things and one bigger thing come to mind. I sense they’re unhealthy, holding me back, bringing me down. Help me come to my senses, so I can experience Your loving help too.