“This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” (Luke 15:2)
Jesus is getting in trouble for being gracious to sinners.
Notice what Jesus does not do, He does not join in with them in their sin.
Jesus treats them as real people who need God’s grace to return home.
Yes they are sinners, but like lost sheep they need someone to help them.
If they refused, Jesus would not force them to eat with Him.
Grace does not force itself; those who reject the Jesus way can leave.
In 1 Corinthians 5:11-13, Paul warns against eating with sinners.
But he is not referring to non-Jesus followers, but to Jesus followers.
People who claim they want to obey Jesus, yet blatanly reject His way.
How do we judge those inside the church, and yet keep grace foremost?
There are no simple answers, but no matter what grace needs to be first.
Judging sin among Jesus followers needs to be grounded in generous grace.
Only in a gracious relationship can we address unhealthy, unholy behaviours.
If we are not welcoming sinners, we cannot help them return to God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, unless we have a loving, gracious relationship with sinners, we have no right to speak into their lives. Help us welcome and eat with sinners so that together we can grow together more like You.