organized for a purpose

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 2
Did Jesus have a plan, or did He drift through His ministry, going wherever the ‘current’ of the day led Him? I am convinced Jesus had a plan. He was ultimately heading to Jerusalem. He started with crowds in general, then narrowed His focus to the twelve. He avoided the crowds, not wanting to provoke confrontation with the leaders before His time. He moved on from town to town, even though the crowds wanted Him to stay. He intentionally targeted the Israelites, but worked His way across all of Israel, north to south, as well as the Samaritans. And He trained up His twelve, and then the seventy two, and sent them out two-by-two with specific instructions.

After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. [Luke 10:1] Jesus was following a strategic plan. And what we see in Numbers 2 also shows a strategic plan. The tribes are organized to move effectively, with military precision. Organization and strategic planning are not contrary to the ways of the Spirit. The Lord uses order and planning to accomplish His purpose. But He is not bound by these. What works today may not be helpful tomorrow. We must always be open to changing how we do things to better accomplish the Lord’s purpose.

I see in Numbers and in Jesus’ ministry a reminder to not excuse lack of organization as being more spiritual. Though the verse has often be stretched beyond its original meaning, it is true that everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. [1 Corinthians 14:40]. Both order and disorder can become extremes. We need flexible structures. We need organic order. By all means, plan and strategize and organize. But realize that the shelf-life of those structures is limited. We do not blindly imitate exactly what the Bible says believers did in their day; we learn from them, and like them pattern our purpose and planning after the Lord’s purpose.

A good example is how the early church responded to the crisis in care between the Jewish and non Jewish widows [Acts 6:1-4]. This is not a law of how things need to be done, but an example of faithful, Spirit-led organizing that met the need of the day. How do we need to organize our efforts today? What are the issues, challenges or crises that demand effective strategic planning today? How will we organize the troops?

Lord, thank You for Your Spirit, and for the gift or order and planning. Help me (as an organizationally challenged person) to be more intentional about how I discipline and order my life for serving You.


  1. Thanks Cindy, I need that reminder. Its easy for me to use the word ‘troops’ because I’ve never actually been in a real war situation. And I also agree with you that hitting people with bibles (figuratively of course) is not the way of Jesus. Christians have definitely caused a lot of damage with inappropriate warfare techniques.

    I prefer to think of the battle we are in using the words of an old hymn, “Lead On O King Eternal”, where in verse 2 it goes: For not with swords loud clashing, nor roll of stirring drums; with deeds of love and mercy the heavenly kingdom comes. The only weapons we should use are grace, mercy, humility, compassion, love, mercy, truth, etc. We would see a lot more people coming to Jesus if we behaved more like this.

    Thank you so much for joining the conversation!!!!!!! We need more “bleeding hearts” here.

  2. I really like your thoughts CoolCarol and how you expressed them, I often think many of the same ones. Why, Why, Why? do we have to witness and experience so much suffering and stumbling around in the dark? God could come down and “fix it ALL”. But that doesn’t seem to be the plan – not yet anyway. When I reflect on my life I find that much of my stumbling in the dark has led me into a real search for God and to pursue the things that really matter.
    Norm, a little side comment about the word “troops”. I get what you are saying re God’s plans and how he accomplishes his purposes on this earth, but eveytime I hear it I can’t help but think about the negative images related to it – I always feel like I’m going to end up walking around with my Bible in hand, hitting people over the head with it! I know that’s a little blunt but I’m never really sure I want to belong to an army?! maybe I’m just burying my head in the sand and not seeing things how they really are – I am a bit of a bleeding heart!

  3. Be encouraged CoolCarol, this is great! Its exactly that, a place to share what comes to your mind. That’s how the Holy Spirit works. Something you say will be used by Him to bless someone else!
    Thanks, Norm

  4. Today,I am a follower of Christ Jesus, who died for me. In yesteryear, the ppl of that day had so much to learn. I think God did them all a great favor and set them all down and said..”Ok you guys,just so there won’t be anymore fighting amoungst you”. “This is the way its going to go down”!! And he put his foot down.
    They may not have listened to one another, it was a time of great kaous for everyone.. But they would listen to their Lord!! And God knew that.

    Sometimes,I think.. “Lord, you could do this whole world over”.. He could just come down and solve all our aches,groans,pains, Answer all our questions, Show us all the answers.. what have you.. He has the strength, the know-how, the power! He needs nothing from us.

    I believe he doesn’t do all that for, me.. He wants me(and everyone like me0 to grow. He’s watching us all now.. So that we will grow and learn and become like him. I’m sure that is as painful for him as painful as it would be for a child to fall and a parent to watch on, but know that it>>> will do no good for them to venture in,and solve the problem.
    Yet, he is there with His Grace,when we do need him. Like he knows our every breath.. He knows our every day and every challenge..and he’s with us ready when we need him. He requests are so small to his plans for us. This gives me great comfort..

    PS. I dont know if I was on topic here,Im still learning.. but that kinda just came to my mind
    Maybe I should change my name to BabySteps

  5. Each under their standard reminds me of the standard Joshua gave the people, but as for me and my household, we will serve the living God. That is my standard for today and each day the Lord gives unto me to serve Him. He must be first, always. I am not my own but belong to Him. That must be the main ingredient of my daily living for Jesus. That must be evident in what I do and say.

    The people did all what the Lord commanded. The order was not in question. As far as it depends upon me, I must live at peace with all mankind. Jesus, Others, Yourself. That order brings JOY – the joy of the Lord God is my strength, today and tomorrow. Help me daily Lord to be in tune with You. Lead me, guide me by Your Spirit.

    Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
    Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
    Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
    Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

    Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
    I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
    Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
    Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

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