count me in!

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 1
Yeah, we get to read Numbers! Be prepared, it’s not easy to follow. There is a storyline, but the narrative jumps around. It’s hard to get the flow. And we start with a long list of names and numbers (hence the title). The numbers here seem high, and raise the question of how to interpret the Hebrew word “eleph”; the traditional interpretation is ‘thousands’ resulting in these unusually high numbers, but another interpretation can be ‘clans’ or ‘family units’. Read here  for a helpful analysis of the numbers listed here, and possible interpretations. The totals are not as important as their purpose. The Lord is organizing His ‘army’ to fulfill His mission. While they were passive in Egypt while God fought for them, the battle for Canaan will be involve them, though Jericho will be the reminder that it is always the Lord Who gives the victory.

As a Jesus-follower, I see a parallel in Jesus’ naming and numbering His twelve apostles (missionaries). These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions… [Matthew 10:2-5] Boring list of names? Or strategic planning, paralleling what the Lord did with Israel in Numbers?

I see the selection of twelve apostles as intentional and symbolic. He is commissioning the new Israel, the new army of God that will usher in the kingdom of God not only in Canaan (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria) but to the ends of the earth! As churches, we should not be focused on numbers. Yet every person that the Lord entrusts to us is to be numbered among His army, His movement. I count, I am counted. I am called, commissioned and sent. The location of my assignment is different, but I need to take my position and purpose just as seriously as the tribes did, as the apostles did.

Jesus has counted me in, I am in the numbers! Will I go?

Lord, help me to see beyond the boring details, the important truth and calling contained in the fact that I too am numbered among Your followers.

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