Sinners in the hands of a loving God!

“Let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth.” (Psalm 98:9)
In my experience, talk about the coming Judge did not elicit songs of praise.
We were warned that the Judge was angry, and would only pardon the penitent.
The Judge was not our friend but a threat, and we trembled.
I am all for humility and repentance before God and Jesus when they come.
But we are not ‘sinners in the hands of an angry God’.
We are sinners in the hands of a loving God, as Jesus showed us.
God is love, God is not wrath or anger or revenge or punishment.
His love includes anger at sin and rebellion and folly, but it remains love.
We do people a disservice is we present to them an angry God.
The references to God’s wrath in scripture always build on a love foundation.
To the very end He does not want anyone to perish, but to be restored to life.
Yes, our Judge is coming, and He hates sin; but He will not give up on us.
Everything He does is designed to open our eyes, to draw us back, to restore us!
This is a Judge worth singing about, a Judge we can trust for fairness and mercy!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I know I do things that provoke Your love to sadness and anger. But ultimately I know that Your love sent You to the cross, that I might find forgiveness and freedom. I entrust myself to You, a sinner in the hands of a loving God!

One Comment

  1. Praise Him.
    Praise Him for all His faithfulness and goodness.
    Be joyful in His presence.
    See what the Lord God has done.
    When I do that, then I can face my tomorrows.
    He is my Provider, Saviour, Rescuer, Redeemer and Friend.
    See His handiwork
    and His acts of mercy.

    1. Praise the Savior now and ever; praise him,
    all beneath the skies;
    Prostrate lying suff’ring, dying on the cross, a sacrifice.
    Vict’ry gaining life obtaining now in glory he doth rise.

    2. Man’s work faileth, Christ’s availeth;
    he is all our righteousness;
    He, our Savior, has forever set us free
    from dire distress.
    Through his merit we inherit light and peace and happiness.

    3. Sin’s bond severed, we’re delivered;
    Christ has bruised the serpent’s head;
    Death no longer is the stronger hell itself is captive led.
    Christ has risen from death’s prison; o’er the tomb he light has shed.

    4. For his favor, praise forever
    unto God the Father sing;
    Praise the Savior, praise him ever, Son of God,
    our Lord and King.
    Praise the Spirit; through Christ’s merit
    he doth us salvation bring.

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