Worshiping God, not worship!

“Declare his glory among the nations…” (Psalm 96:3)
The glory of God is the shining brilliance of Who He is and what He does.
The GREATNESS and the GOODNESS of God is the content of our worship.
We experience God’s greatness and goodness in our lives!
We express our wonder or joy or hope or love with words of praise!
Have we replaced the experience of God with the experience of worship?
Are we moved (or not) by the music, emotion or experience of singing together?
Do we come to church with hearts full of worship, or to be inspired to worship.
I believe that personal experience and response is the basis of true worship.
We experience God through the week, and we overflow with praise when we meet.
Singing together is one way to express our response to God’s glory.
But so is speaking together, declaring to each other how we’ve experienced God.
I suspect many Sunday singers would struggle to praise God in their own words.
If we didn’t sing at church, how much declaring of God’s glory would there be?
Are you busting with praise like this psalmist, eager to declare God’s glory?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for worshiping worship, and not worshiping You! May we experience Your greatness and goodness in wonderful, personal ways and may we overflow with authentic, personal praise!

One Comment

  1. Today is a new day to walk in His SonShine.
    Today is a new day to walk in His presence.
    Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.
    Do I see Him in the waters flowing behind our apartment?
    Do I see Him in trees a budding?
    In the rains? In the green grass? The winter wheat growing?
    In my family? In His Creation? His world?
    Do I see Hi faithfulness?
    Open my eyes Lord. Help me to praise You each day anew.
    You are Lord.
    You are King.
    You reign.

    Make a joyful noise
    All ye people
    Sing a song to the Lord
    Of His goodness and His mercy
    Of His faitfulness and love

    Worship the Lord
    And praise His Holy name
    Worship the Lord
    Let’s magnify His name
    Worship the Lord
    And praise His Holy name
    Worship the Lord
    Let’s magnify His name

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