Jesus over anxiety!

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” (Psalm 94:19)
More and more I hear about people that struggle with anxiety.
I would say for myself that I experience a mild grade anxiety.
It is not debilitating, but it is always there under the surface.
The psalmist describes what causes him anxiety: wickedness in the world.
What causes you anxiety: health, family, money, relationships, danger, abuse?
My guess is that behind it all, there is some level of sin or badness.
Not necessarily in me, but something not right in the world that causes anxiety.
What hope do we have against sin and evil, apart from God?
Jesus took on the root of evil – satan, sin, death – and won!
Trouble still occurs in our world, but Jesus has overcome the world.
Many things still cause fear and anxiety, but Jesus can help with all of them.
Focus your heart and mind on Jesus, and let His consolation give you joy.
No, it will not remove evil from the world, or from your life.
But it will remind you that no matter how bad evil gets, it cannot beat Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, it is not easy to choose You over anxiety. But it is even harder to give in to anxiety – then there’s no hope. I choose You over anxiety!

One Comment

  1. ‘The Lord knows all human plans;
    he knows that they are futile.’
    Our way; His Way.
    Our plans; His plans.
    Unless the Lord had given help
    all is in vain.
    He makes our feet steady on a slippery slope so that
    we do not fall into the pit we have dug for others.
    One day the accounting will occur. All will receive their due reward.
    Remember the servants and talents parable?
    Be a servant in His Kingdom.
    Let Him be your/my Rock where I find refuge
    today, tomorrow and forever.
    He is the wind beneath my wings
    so that I can serve Him always.

    Praise Him, praise Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Praise Him, praise Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

    Serve Him, serve Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Serve Him, serve Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

    Love Him, love Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Love Him, love Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

    Thank Him, thank Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Thank Him, thank Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

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