Lord of the stormy seas!

“The Lord reigns… indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.” (Psalm 93:1)
In Jewish thinking, the earth was established on the waters (Genesis 1:2,6-10).
The waters were beneath and above the earth (Genesis 7:11-12, Psalm 148:4).
When the seas lifted up (v.3), the earth ought to be in peril.
But the Lord is mightier than the seas (v.4), therefore the earth is secure.
For Jews, water (seas, rivers or rain) symbolized the power of darkness.
Passing through sea and river, surviving the storm, were signs of God’s care.
No matter how the darkness raged and stormed, the Lord still reigns.
What a great reflection for this weekend – good Friday and resurrection Sunday!
All hell broke lose on the cross, but Jesus survived the storm.
Because of His victory over the storm, we also declare ‘the Lord reigns!’
What is your storm, how is life raging against you, where are you drowning?
Do not let the storm convince you it is more powerful than God.
See Jesus walking on the stormy waves, and reach out to Him.
Step into the waters with your eyes on Jesus, and you will be secure as well!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You walked on water, turned water into wine, slept during the storm at sea, and commanded the waters to be still. With You as the captain of my ship, I shall be established, firm and secure!

One Comment

  1. He reigns!
    He has risen!
    He is alive – now and forevermore!
    Remember Jesus calming the storm? Walking on the waters? ‘Sitting upon the waters’ proclaiming the good news?
    The Lord God is clothed in majesty. All is within His power. He does not break things apart but holds all things together. He is powerful and mighty and majestic. His throne is everlasting.
    In troubling times, I know that my Redeemer lives and He holds all things together by His Word – Peace. Be still.
    What an awesome God we/I serve.

    What a mighty God we serve [x4]

    Angels bow before Him
    Heaven and earth adore Him

    What a mighty God we serve [x2]

    He holds the winds in His hand
    And He is the great I am
    He is the bright and morning star
    And without Him I would fall

    Angels bow before Him
    Heaven and earth adore Him

    What a mighty God we serve [x2]

    He holds the winds in His hand
    And He is the great I am
    He is the bright and morning star
    And without Him I would fall

    Angels bow before Him
    Heaven and earth adore Him

    What a mighty God we serve [x2]

    Jehovah Jireh, my provider
    Jehovah Shalom, my peace
    Jehovah Tsidkenu, my righteousness

    What a mighty God we serve [x5]

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