“He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:2)
This is a wisdom psalm, it describes in ideal terms God’s way of life.
This is how the world was designed, but sadly sin has messed that up.
Sin has made harm and disaster normal, far from the ideal God intended.
But it is still true; only God can save us from harm and disaster.
Through Jesus God has trampled Satan, our serpent-lion enemy (v.13).
With Jesus, I can go through my day trusting in God’s ultimate protection.
When I start my day with the Lord, I am positioning myself in Him.
As I go through my day, He remains my refuge, my helper, my guide.
When my day is done, I know He will be there, welcoming me into His rest.
This does not mean bad things do not happen, or that I will not suffer.
Like Jesus, life in this world is difficult – but He has overcome the world!
Resting in the Lord is ongoing discipline, one that needs constant renewal.
Satan likes to take our eyes away from Jesus, and onto our circumstances.
Do you make it a point to center yourself in the Lord everyday?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I choose to live my life in You – with You, like You, for You. Help me to keep this focus, especially when harm or disaster come my way.