Go and do likewise!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 10:29-37
“Jesus told him, ‘Go and do likewise.'” (Luke 10:37)
Once again Jesus sets up radical love as the fulfillment of God’s law.
Radical, self-denying, God and neighbour-loving, sacrificial love.
This story reminds us as Jesus followers what we are here for.
We do not earn God’s mercy by being merciful.
We show mercy BECAUSE God has shown mercy to us, undeserved.
We have been rescued from selfish living, set free to love like Jesus.
Set free to be the Adam and Eve we were made to be, like God.
God’s love is radical love, as seen in Jesus – this is our calling.
As a disciple of Jesus I admit my failure here, but also my desire.
My desire is to love like this, to “go and do likewise”.
The strength of that desire, as prompted by the Spirit, will shape what I do.
Jesus has called me to love like this, He will help me to love like this.
The only question is, will I do my part to start loving like this?
Action begins with a step; what step will I take today?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, words without action are empty. Help me not to love with words or speech but with actions and in truth!

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