This is us, not God!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Isaiah 13-16
“Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
Their houses will be looted and their wives violated.” (Isaiah 13:16)

Its words like these that lead many to reject the bible.
How can God say this, how can this be the same God Jesus spoke of?
But this is not what God does, this is what sin does.
The Babylonians will reap what they sowed, for this is what they did.
They slaughtered babies, looted houses and violated women.
Those who live by the sword will also die by the sword.
God does not cause any of this; He allows our sin to run its course.
Those who choose the way of wickedness will have to see it to its end.
We reap what we sow… unless we turn to God for mercy and help.
Jesus steps in and endures our consequences for us, to provide a way out.
Jesus and the cross is what God does, His way of defeating our evil.
By grace God allows sinners to see where sin leads, to help us stop.
But we must choose the Jesus way, if we want to reap what He sows!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this violence recorded here is not God but us. This is what happens if we foolishly choose the way of sin. Thank You for showing us the better way, and opening that way for us to break free from all this violence and evil.

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