You give them something!!!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 9:10-17
“Jesus replied, ‘You give them something to eat.’” (Luke 9:13)
There is still hunger and poverty in the world.
We want Jesus to get rid of hunger and poverty, but He wants us to.
We want Him to send the poor away, but He sends us to the poor.
But how can we feed the poor and provide for the hungry?
Is there not enough food in the world, is there not enough money?
Poverty continues because greed and selfishness continue strong!
The spirit of consumerism – buy, buy, buy, more we need – affects us all.
Individually, we cannot solve the problem, but we can offer something.
The Lord will take our small efforts and expand their impact.
Too often we are overwhelmed by the need… and Satan likes this.
He can debilitate us with selfishness or fear or feelings of defeat.
Jesus is calling us, He will use us, even if we don’t have enough.
He is sending us, with whatever we do have, to do what we can in His Name.
Our “something” backed with God’s “everything” will feed the multitudes!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can’t end poverty or change the consumer system… but with Your help and grace, I can give something, and I can refuse to live the consumer life. Send me today Lord!

One Comment

  1. And the crowds were hungry. They wanted to hear. They wanted to see. They wanted to be healed. And Jesus did and more.
    He fed them both spiritually and physically.
    And there were left-overs. More than enough.
    The Lord gives generously.
    And I?
    With the gifts received, depending upon Him, I too need to give of my resources to those around me. I need to be a blessing as God has blessed me.

    He said freely freely
    You have received
    Freely freely give
    Go in My name
    And because you believe
    Others will know that I live
    Verse 1
    God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name
    I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share His love as He told me to
    Verse 2
    All pow’r is giv’n in Jesus’ name
    In earth and heav’n in Jesus’ name
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share His pow’r as He told me to

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