What am I focussing on? (2)

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 8:26-39
“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” (Luke 8:39)
I like how Jesus encourages this man to share his story.
Too often christians focus on the bible or church teachings.
This man knew very little about these things.
But he knew what God had done for him through Jesus.
I believe that devil wants to get our focus off of Jesus.
If he can’t distract us with fears or pleasures, he will try doctrine.
We are not to witness to our church’s teachings, but to Jesus.
Sometimes I wonder if some push doctrine because they lack the experience.
Hmm, is my preaching more focused on doctrine than on experiencing Jesus?
I have my own demons that I am saved from, though not like these ones.
Satan has been working hard to take my focus off Jesus too.
But Jesus keeps holding on and reminding me who I am, and Whose I am.
I know that if it were not for Jesus in my life, I would be mess.
I sense Jesus urging me to get my focus back on sharing this story.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Satan is a master at getting our focus away from You. Help me to stay anchored to You, and to Your gracious impact on my life!

One Comment

  1. God the Father, God of glory,
    miracles, and mystery;
    generations all adore him,
    God the same through history.


    Parents, tell your children, age to age the same.
    Glorify the living Lord above,
    magnify his holy name,
    magnify his holy name.

    Verse 2

    Lift the fallen, feed the hungry;
    God provides for everything.
    He is fair and full of kindness,
    saving those who call him King.

    Verse 3

    Awe-inspiring deeds of splendor–
    these proclaim his mighty power;
    interwoven with compassion
    is his strength for every hour.

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