What kind of sinner? (Part 1)

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 7:36-50
“What kind of woman she is – that she is a sinner.” (Luke 7:39)
We are pretty good at knowing what kind of person someone is.
We can tell by how they dress, or how they talk.
After a short conversation, we are aleady making judgments about people.
We size people up, and measure them by what we think we see and know.
As Jesus followers, we should know better than this.
We should know that we are all sinners, with our own issues.
We should see other people as our equals – equal in need to mercy.
We should not separate people by ‘what kind of’ person they are.
Because really only God knows them that well.
The Pharisee in this story was convinced he was better than this woman.
But Jesus sees them the same – both as sinners, both needing love.
How do I see myself, how do I see others… how does Jesus see us?
Our response to Jesus will depend on how we see ourselves.
Our appreciation of Jesus will depend on what kind of sinner we are!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see myself as You see me. Help me to be the kind of sinner that loves You very, very much!

One Comment

  1. And the greatest of these is love.
    Love conquers all.
    The Pharisee invited Jesus because – it was certainly not out of love because he didn’t even do the rituals to honour a guest at his house. Yet the woman gave her all – unashamed – ignoring customs and what others thought. All for Jesus. Love in action.
    How do I see myself, and how others see me are not as important as how God sees me. He knows me and my actions and my heart to its very core. I need to love as He loved us and show that love in action. Just do.
    They will know we are Christians by our love.

    Love love love love
    The gospel in one word is love
    Love your neighbor as your brother
    Love love love

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