For God so loved the world???

“He unleashed against them his hot anger, his wrath, indignation and hostility.” (Psalm 78:49)
I believe that Asaph was inspired to write these words.
But I also believe that he is describing God in human terms (see v.65).
He attributes Israel’s suffering to God’s anger unleashed.
This is what it would be for us, if someone provoked us for too long.
In actual fact, it is God’s love – not wrath – that is at work here.
The consequences of sin are so dire, it feels as if God is raging mad.
But if God was actually mad us, we would be eternally dead.
God is at work in this world, not to punish us but to rescue us.
God does not end suffering, He steps into it to overcome it.
God allows us the freedom to receive or reject Him.
God even allows us the freedom to wrestle, misundertand and blame Him.
But through it all He does not let go, and holds the door of hope open.
It may feel as if God is angry, but it is His ‘hot love’, not anger at work.
Behind everything that happens are the words, ‘for God so loved the world!’
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, from our perspective You seem angry, even mean. Forgive us for demeaning Your character by comparing it to ours. Remind me that everything You do is the expression of Your love.

One Comment

  1. Tell of His faithfulness to the new generation. Fathers, tell your children what He has done for us. Tell how He has dealt with His people and how the people yet forgot His ways to follow their own desires. All to often we/I go our own way ignoring Him. And yet, He is always there to deliver His people through various means to show that He is faithful, guiding His people. Keep His way, His law.
    Depend upon Him.
    Have Your own way Lord.Lead and guide me always.
    Work in me by Your Spirit so I will depend upon Your Light to lead and guide me always.

    God the Father, God of glory,
    miracles, and mystery;
    generations all adore him,
    God the same through history.


    Parents, tell your children, age to age the same.
    Glorify the living Lord above,
    magnify his holy name,
    magnify his holy name.

    Verse 2

    Lift the fallen, feed the hungry;
    God provides for everything.
    He is fair and full of kindness,
    saving those who call him King.

    Verse 3

    Awe-inspiring deeds of splendor–
    these proclaim his mighty power;
    interwoven with compassion
    is his strength for every hour.

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