Seeking advice is wise!!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Proverbs 10-12
“The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.” (Proverbs 12:15)
As we saw earlier, wisdom is available to all who seek it.
Part of seeking it is asking others for their input and insight.
My experience is that we tend not to be fully honest with ourselves.
When we really want something, we are biased towards it.
Asking someone we respect and trust is wise, yet do we do it?
And if they tell us what we don’t want to hear, do we listen?
It is only afterwards – hindsight – that we often see things better.
And often then it is too late; we got what we wanted.
But we did not want what we got.
Do we present our desires to Jesus, and allow Him to probe our motives?
Do we listen to the Voice of the Spirit through what others say?
These proverbs describe what happens when people heed wisdom, or don’t.
Jesus is urging us not just to go with our gut, but to seek advice.
Listen to others – like Him, like Solomon, like trusted friends – and be wise.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, talking it through with You and others is the best way to make decisions. Help me to feel the wisdom of this, and actively seek out other’s advice.

One Comment

  1. Words.
    Oh be careful on what you say.
    Be a people of integrity.
    Be truthful in what you speak
    so that people see you as trustworthy.
    Speak the truth – His Truth at all times
    and in this way bring life,
    being an encourager
    speaking love,
    being a blessing
    showing God’s wisdom by what you say
    bringing the joy of the Lord
    to all those you know
    walking in His Sonshine
    being trustworthy
    Speaking kind words.
    Putting love into actions with words and deeds.

    I was reminded of this child’s song:
    O be careful little mouth what you say
    O be careful little mouth what you say
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little mouth what you say

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