No time to judge others!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 6:37-42
“First take the plank out of your eye…” (Luke 6:42)
Imagine if we really did what Jesus says here.
No criticizing others until we’ve worked out our own issues.
Will we ever reach a point where we can judge or criticize others?
Only God sees all of us from the standpoint of perfection.
Only God is able to judge us with perfect fairness and truth.
Of all people, Christians ought to know better than be judgmental.
Supposedly we have come to know our sin and misery.
We came to realize we were desperate and lost without God’s mercy.
We confess that all our ways are stained with selfishness and sin.
Sadly, Christians have a reputation of being judgmental.
We spew opinions and criticisms of others just like everyone else.
Of course they are ‘sinners’, but so are we – they need mercy too!
As Jesus followers, our first task is to allow Jesus to work on us.
We have enough ‘baggage’to keep us busy for a long, long time!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me not to be so opinionated or critical of others. Help me to see my own need for mercy, and to freely share that mercy with others!

One Comment

  1. This passage reminds me of
    – love neighbour – the second part of the summary of the gospel
    – as far as it depends upon me, live at peace with all mankind
    When I live daily in the light of these passages, thinking and living what is best for my neighbour, then I am living for Jesus in the light of His Word. And He has given that power by His Spirit.
    ‘Bit your tongue’ was a saying I used often with the kids I taught. If you can’t speak in love then bite your tongue. I must do the same.

    Love, Love, Love, Love
    The Gospel in a word is Love
    Love your neighbor as your brother
    Love, Love, Love

    Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace
    The Gospel in a word is Peace
    Peace that passes understanding
    Peace, Peace, Peace

    Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy
    The Gospel in a word is Joy
    Joy that fills to overflowing
    Joy, Joy, Joy

    Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ
    The Gospel in a word is Christ
    Love Him, serve Him, and adore Him
    Jesus Christ

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