THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 6:32-36
“You will be children of the Most High.” (Luke 6:35)
Adam and Eve were created in God’s image.
This means they were created to relate WITH God as His children.
They were made to be LIKE Him, reflecting His character.
And they were made to represent Him, to live FOR Him in the world.
Here Jesus urges His disciples to live LIKE their Father.
And God is love: merciful, generous, compassionate, forgiving love!
As Jesus followers, we are so thankful for God’s radical love.
We know that it is His radical love that has saved us, graced us!
And that grace in us is changing us, leading us to reflect this love.
The world is full of people that love selfishly.
We’ve been saved from selfish love, and released for radical love.
This is NOT easy, there are plenty of difficult people to love.
I make no claims to loving like this, but I do want to, with His help.
This is what I was made for, what I was saved for: to love like my Father!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for restoring me as God’s child despite my selfishness. Please help me to show the same grace to others when they are selfish.
The gospel in one word i love.
Love as Christ Jesus loved.
Love all.
Love the unlovable.
The love of Christ within us makes it possible to love those who hate us – to love our enemies.
Be the instrument of His peace.
As far as it depends upon me I must live at peace with all mankind which is only a possibility when Christ Jesus lives within me. He empowers. He enables. He equips with the presence of His Spirit. Continue to lead and guide me Lord in Your Way.
Love, love, love, love
The Gospel in a word is Love
Love your neighbour as yourself
Love, love, love