rest in peace

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 3, Psalm 4
Psalm 3 was written during a time of family and national crisis [see 2 Samuel 15-19]. He seems to be talking himself through this crisis, with the Lord. He names his struggles before the Lord, then affirms his confidence in Him. He is totally honest, even angry [see Psalm 3:7], which is amazing since he is talking about his son. Although the occasion for Psalm 4 is not mentioned, we get the sense that David is dealing with sceptics who question his loyalty to the Lord. David takes the opportunity to remind himself and any who will listen that following the is the best way to live. He urges people to think through this carefully, and commit themselves to the Lord as well.

This kind of open, honest engagement with the Lord through prayer and praise is a healthy, holy thing. It connects us to the Lord, it strengthens us, and it leaves a powerful impact on those who see its affects in our lives. It is also the way that we stand up to sin, death and hell. It is how we engage in spiritual warfare. We deal openly, honestly with the Lord, then choose to cling to Him in faith.

Jesus models this practice often. “He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, ‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.’ An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. [Luke 22:41-44]. Honest, deep, raw, painful… but powerful. And note, God strengthens Him with an angel.

How do I handle the daily battles? Do I talk things through with the Lord – actually talk out loud with Him? Do I name the issues, share the struggle honestly, then declare my confidence in the Lord despite what I am experiencing? David’s confidence is strengthened through this honest prayer. Yours can be too. Jesus was spiritually strengthened by an angel. You can be too!

Jesus invites us to come to Him and find rest. David talks about resting in peace in the Lord. “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.” [Psalm 3:5] “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” [Psalm 4:8] Many of us talk about prayer, about the importance of prayer. But talking about it is not praying. Start praying, starting talking to the Lord. And as you do, He will take you in His arms, and you will rest in peace!

Lord, thank You for sustaining me through today!

One Comment

  1. Although the happenings of the day are not going my way, my confidence needs to be like David’s. God does not fail. The Lord God is my shield and Provider. He gives me the assurance of waking up in the morning because the Lord God will keep Him in His sleep. David goes to sleep because of the Lord’s care. David’s confidence comes as a testimony for His people. God hears our prayers.

    Where do I go for help? How many times do I seek for help in the wrong places? I need to call upon the name of God. Only He is able to give the daily peace I need so I can start each day anew in His power, in His joy. Psalm 5 tells us in the morning O lord, You hear my voice. Lord teach me to be a prayer walker each day in all I do and say.

    This is the day
    This is the day
    That the Lord has made.
    That the Lord has made
    I will rejoice,
    I will rejoice,
    and be glad in it
    and be glad in it.
    this is the day that the Lord has made
    I will rejoice and be glad in it.
    this is the day
    This is the day
    that the Lord has made.

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