God will back us up too!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 4:31-37
“Amazed at his teaching because his words had authority.” (Luke 4:32)
Words are very powerful for shaping or world, for good or for evil.
God used words to create, Satan used words to deceive.
As a Teacher, Jesus spoke with authority because God stood behind His words.
“Be quiet! Come out of him!” (Luke 4:35)
Nothing impressive about these words, yet they had power – God’s power.
What gave Adam and Eve authority in creation was God standing with them.
As long as they remained in/with God, they had world shaping power.
This can be true for us today too, because of Jesus.
Jesus has broken Satan’s hold on us, and restored us God, and God to us.
Our words can have authority too, even over demons.
But they can also wound and destroy, if we are not careful.
Jesus gives us God’s Spirit to work and speak through us.
If by faith we speak words of hope, encouragement, grace, blessing…
God will back us up, and will shape the world for good through us!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, use my fumbling, imperfect words to bless others with love, joy, peace. May others sense Your glory and goodness through me!

One Comment

  1. Words are powerful.
    Words can be cruel, hurting, destroying
    Words also can be loving, restoring, healing.
    When Jesus speaks, God speaks.
    I need to do everything the Lord God desires.
    I need to listen to the Voice
    which says, this is the Way. Walk in it.
    His Word is the Way.
    It is Life..

    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

    When I feel afraid,
    Think I’ve lost my way,
    Still you’re there right beside me.
    And nothing will I fear
    As long as you are near.
    Please be near me to the end.

    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

    I will not forget
    Your love for me and yet
    My heart forever is wandering.
    Jesus be my guide,
    And hold me to your side,
    I will love you to the end.

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