serious, sincere worship

SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 22
1. Doing the right thing is not enough, doing it for the right reason matters too. The Lord challenges the people to do the right thing – that is, offer the sacrifices in a proper, honourable way – and to do it for the right reason – that is, to honour the Lord and respect Him as holy. Some people think that good deeds are enough, others think that good motivation is enough. The Lord wants us to aim for both.

2. Jesus affirms this when He challenges the Jewish leaders about their technical rightness, but their inward hypocrisy and greed. “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” [Matthew 23:25-26]

3. The Lord is reminding the leaders and the people again and again to take Him and His laws seriously. Its not about going through the motions, or doing ‘just enough’ to appease Him. Its about a love for God and people that shows itself in obedience, sincerity, loyalty, compassion. This goes against the natural inclination of our sin-twisted hearts. We naturally look for ways to serve ourselves, make ourselves look good. And so the reminder again and again in the bible is to remember God, honour God, obey God – from the heart.

4. These commands are a part of the old arrangement with the nation of Israel, before Jesus came. We are now a part of the new covenant. We are to learn and obey what Jesus taught us. His commands, which are less specific than the old covenant laws, are nevertheless more important. Jesus means it when He says to love, forgive and serve our neighbour, to be merciful, patient, humble, compassionate, generous, etc. These are not just suggestions, they are the new (and better) arrangement with God. He loves us, so we can love Him. He forgives us, so we can forgive others.

5. The Lord is not just looking for occasional good deeds, to appease Him. He does not care what we look like on the outside, so much as how we look on the inside. He wants our whole life to be offered to Him as a living sacrifice, this is how we worship Him today [Romans 12:1-2]. The same challenge for old testament concern for sincere obedience applies today.

Lord, obeying You in the old covenant took serious and sincere effort. Help me to be even more serious, and sincere, in how I honour, love and obey You.


  1. W/Holy Unto the Lord

    When the people sacrificed. they needed to make sure that the animal given was according to the rules – without blemish – this was for the priesthood and for the people. Do this and live. Come into my presence with thought and deliberate action. Pay attention to my rules for holy living. Worship Me, says the Lord.

    And also today, we must come into His presence in w/holy living. When we come to His table it must be through Jesus Christ. Our actions must be deliberate and with preparation and forethought. As the priests were to be focused on their task so Christ Jesus, our High Priest gave His all for my salvation and I need to give my all with deliberate choices of service this day He has made. Guide me Lord this day by Your Spirit as I live this day for You. May it be a sacrifice of praise.

    We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord
    We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord
    And we offer up to You the sacrifices of thanksgiving
    And we offer up to You the sacrifices of joy

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