Will I still believe?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 4:22-30
“Do here… what we have heard that you did (there)!” (Luke 4:23)
Have you ever asked Jesus to do for you what He did for others?
‘Lord, heal or help me like you healed or helped them!’
Have you ever doubted Jesus because a miracle didn’t happen?
If Jesus cannot heal now, is He really the Great Physician?
Jesus does not seem to operate according to our demands or requests.
He does not heal or help us because we are His favorites.
As Jesus points out, God loves to help Sidonians and Syrians too (vv.25-27).
God has not promised to heal everyone right away.
Nor has God promised a safe, easy life here on earth.
Jesus is our Saviour, not our butler.
Jesus is concerned for Syrians and Sidonians too, not just us.
Everything He does, and does not do, is for the greater purpose of all.
If Jesus doesn’t do for us what He did for others, will we still follow?
If He doesn’t reveal His power the way we want Him to, will we still believe?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are not standing at my beck and call, waiting to do whatever I ask. It should be the other way around. I believe, what ever You do or don’t do.

One Comment

  1. The people were amazed at the Carpenter’s son
    and wanted Him to do what He had done for others.
    Great expectations they had for themselves.
    And when Jesus didn’t perform, they were furious.
    Jesus is not a puppet on a string,
    He is Lord
    our will needs to be aligned to His
    not the other way around.
    Am I in tune with His will for my life?

    I am weak and I need Thy strength and power,
    To help me over my weakest hour.
    Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord, let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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